Checklist for Adding Contracts on Administrative Side
Creating Accounts on Administrative Side
Creating Contracts on Administrative Side
Review and Approve Schedule Change/Withdraw Requests
Removing an Invoice to Make a Contract Change
Modifying Child Care Contracts
Adding Adjustments to Child Care Accounts
Adding AutoPay to Child Care Accounts
Using One Account for Split Families
Adding Split AutoPay to Child Care Accounts
Removing AutoPay from a Child Care Account
How to Determine AutoPay Accounts Within a Season
Creating and Attaching Discounts or Scholarships to Contracts
Approving Pending Child Care Contracts
Single Credit or Fee Adjustment
Viewing Attendance for a Contract
Add/Edit iPad Attendance on the Administrative Side
Printing Child Care Tax Statements (Public Side)
Printing Child Care Tax Statements (Administrative Side)
Organizations for Child Care Assistance
Tagging Accounts and Contracts
Tagging Pending Contracts for a Wait List
Creating Saved Fee or Credit Adjustments in Child Care
Adding Mass Adjustments to Child Care Contracts
Entering an Assistance Payment from Organizations (DES /County)
Using Quick Pay (Public Side)
Track Waived Registration Fees
Default Status for New Contracts on the Administrative Side