A unique manual Adjustment can be added to a single Child Care Account for either fees or credits. Fee adjustments will assess a new charge to be paid. Credit adjustments will offset an existing charge. Those adjustments will reflect a status of Not Posted until picked up by an invoice. To add a Credit or Fee adjustment to an account, use the following steps:
- Navigate to the desired Child Care Account.
- Select Add Adjustment.
- Update the following fields:
- The Name/Reason will be reflected as a line item on the account and the invoice (i.e. Waiving late payment fee, Vacation Day credit, T-shirt fee, Snack fee, etc).
- There are 2 options under the Types drop-down: Fee or Credit. Select the desired one.
- Enter the desired Amount to either be charged or credited.
- Select the correct Program and Season.
- If the budget code does not auto-populate or you wish this to reflect and be applied toward a different code, enter that under Budget Code.
- Leave the Deferred Until blank unless you wish this adjustment to be reflected on a specific invoice.
- Select Add Adjustment.