System Basics
Please review some of the system basics first using these links:
Take a tour of the Administrative Dashboard
Adding additional Administrative users to the system
Working with People records (Contacts > People)
Adding relationships between people
Correcting relationships
Setting up a new Child Care Program
Step 1: Set up revenue budget codes
Step 2: Set up buildings and rooms used by the Program
Step 3: Set up Questions Templates for the Program
Step 4: Set up the Program's Agreement/Terms and Conditions (optional)
Step 5: Create evaluation surveys (optional)
Step 6: Create the Program
Step 7: Define the Program's Registration Options
Step 8: Create a Season
Step 9: Create a Site (Use Copy Site to create additional sites)
Step 10: Create Rates
Step 11: Add Non-school day Sites and Rates
Step 12: Create saved Discounts
Accepting and Working with Child Care Contracts (ongoing)
Step 1: Registration is open | Approving pending contracts
Step 2: Reviewing and approving schedule change requests
Step 3: Modify contracts (where needed)
Step 4: View daily counts
Step 5: View and print Rosters and attendance reports
Step 6: Install and learn how to use the Child Care Attendance app for the iPad
Step 7: Run Mass Invoicing
Step 8: View Auto Pay Log
Step 9: Making adjustments on Accounts
Step 10: Adding auto pay to an Account
Step 11: Adding a split auto pay to an Account
Accessing and Viewing Reports
Financial reports
Bank Reconciliation for credit card and ACH payments
Attendance and other reporting (Child Care Attendance app for iPads)
Viewing payment details
Viewing refund details