Whether you’re new to Eleyo or a long-time user, when it’s time to create a new Season for Child Care registration, we have resources available to help you through the process.
- If you have completed implementation within the last year or have questions before setting up your new Season, we recommend you request a consultation (select Option B). Please submit your request at least two weeks prior to your desired date to open registration to the public. You will be contacted by an Eleyo team member to assist with your setup.
- If you do not have questions and are ready to set up your new Season, please use one of the checklist options below to proceed and submit a New Season Review Request once complete.
Please select one of the following options to guide you through your new Season setup. Both options are available for download. The Condensed Checklist is a two page document that can be used to ensure you're taking the steps in the correct order and for auditing your setup. The Expanded Checklist is a more complete guide. The details of it are contained below within this article.
Condensed Checklist - best for experienced users
Expanded Checklist - best for newer users
The following checklist will walk an Administrative user through the steps for setting up a new Child Care or Preschool Season for online registration in the Child Care module. It is recommended to review and complete the areas in the order listed below. If you would prefer a video tutorial, please select here.
Question Templates can be used to collect additional registration information. Review the Question Template article for additional tips for creating and editing Question Templates.
Things to Consider:
⚠️ Making changes to any Question Template(s) currently in use will impact active contracts and incoming contracts for the current Season.
✔️ Make a copy of your current Question Template and update as needed. Be sure to attach the copied Question Template to the new Season’s Site(s).
✔️ Rather than using Yes/No as possible responses, add more text so that the responses are searchable and filterable in List Views (Example: Yes, Allergies).
✔️ Consider moving questions pertinent to contract approval to the top of the Question Template. This ensures that they are easily visible during contract approval.
- Review questions and check to make sure the information being collected is correct for your Season. Be mindful to update any mentions of last Season’s dates.
- Review any hyperlinks in the Question Template to ensure they are correct and set to open in a new tab.
- Review settings for Autofill and Required Questions.
An Agreement provides applicable terms and conditions that the person registering would need to acknowledge and agree to before proceeding with their registration. Review the Agreements (Terms and Conditions) article for additional information.
Things to Consider:
⚠️Changes made to any Agreement(s) currently in use are effective immediately and will be included during the current Season’s registration. If there are no updates, you can use the same Agreement(s) for multiple Seasons.
✔️ If an update needs to be made, create new Agreement(s) and update as needed. Be sure to attach the newly created Agreement(s) to the new Season’s Site(s).
- Make sure the information in your Agreement is correct for the new Season.
- Review any hyperlinks in the Agreement to ensure they are correct and set to open in a new tab (optional).
If you are making changes to your program’s current budget codes, please contact Support. If you are adding new Sites and require additional budget codes, navigate to Finance > Budget Codes, and add as needed.
In most cases, you will use the same Program when creating new Seasons. If you need to make changes to settings at the Program level, note that these changes will affect current Season functionality.
Things to Consider:
⚠️ You do not need to create a new Program. You will reuse your existing program and review the information to make sure it’s correct.
⚠️ Making changes to any text or settings at the Program level will reflect immediately for your current Season. You may need to make note of any necessary changes and make the updates at a later date, once the current Season has ended.
✔️ We recommend populating your Short and Long Description text with information about your program that can carry over from Season to Season. NOTE:⚠️The Short Description populates on payment receipts and tax statements; if Short Description is blank, the software will populate the Long Description instead.
- Review your Tax ID, make sure it is populated here at the Program level or at the Site level.
- Review Short and Long Description. Make sure information is correct for all Seasons that will be open for registration at the same time – both current and upcoming seasons.
- Review Online settings for emergency contacts, automatic payments, etc.
- Review Online Instruction Text (if applicable).
- Review Online Non School Day Instruction Text (if applicable).
- Review Late Payment Fee settings. NOTE:⚠️If you are changing Late Payment Fee policies for the upcoming Season, you must wait until the active Season is complete to update this setting; changing the setting now will affect the active Season’s Late Payment Fee automation.
- Review contact information and make updates as needed.
Registration Options are used to determine what Schedule Types and Registration Fees your program will use. If you are making changes (Example: Switching from a Consistent Schedule to a Pick Your Days Schedule Type), you will need to create a new Registration Option. If you have questions about changing Registration Options, please fill out the New Season Request form and select Option B.
Things to Consider:
⚠️You do not need to create a new Registration Option. You will reuse your existing Registration Option and review the information to make sure it’s correct.
⚠️ If you need to make changes to Registration Option settings, you must create a new Registration Option to attach to your new Season. Any changes made to the Registration Option in use for the current Season will affect settings and functionality for active contracts.
✔️ If you are NOT making any changes to your Registration Option you will not need to create a new option. You can attach the same Registration Option to your new Season.
✔️ It is recommended that you set Allow Public Registration to Yes and make sure each Site has the correct future online registration start date. This ensures that online registration will open automatically on the expected date.
✔️ It is recommended that you set Allow Questions to be Modified Online After Entry to No. Program Admins do not receive a notification if an Account Owner updates a question response.
- Review Schedule Type (green box) advanced settings by selecting the wheel icon next to each Schedule Type.
- Review Registration Fee Options (orange box), paying attention to the Applied to Each drop down menu to ensure Registration Fees are applied to either the Child Care Contract (fee is per child) or to the Child Care Account (fee is per family).
- Confirm correct Budget Code settings.
- Review Misc. Fees (if applicable).
- Review Online settings (purple box), paying attention to Allow Online Public Registration, Allow First Time and Inactive Accounts to Register, etc.
- Review Prepayment settings (blue box) (if applicable).
Create your new Season by navigating to Child Care > Seasons and selecting the Add Season button from the menu on the right. Add the new Season’s details and Save. After creating your new Season, review for accuracy. Review the Creating a New Season article for additional information.
Things to Consider:
⚠️ If you have the Registration Option set to not allow public registration, the Online Instruction Text editing boxes will not appear. Switch the Registration Option online to make edits as needed.
✔️ The Online Contract Creation Instruction Text appears directly below the Season drop-down menu online (desktop registration) or after selecting their Season (mobile version). This text can be used to alert parents of rates or other details before they start the registration process.
- Confirm correct Start and End Dates.
- Confirm correct Registration Option is attached.
- Confirm Exclusion Dates.
- Review Confirmation Notes (if applicable).
- Confirm Late Pick Up and/or Early Arrival Fees (if applicable). NOTE:⚠️Used in connection with the Child Care Attendance app.
- Review information provided in the Online Instruction Text boxes.
From the Sites List View, you can either create a New Site by selecting Add Site or you can select an existing Site and select Copy Site, updating the information for the upcoming Season as needed. It is recommended to copy your existing Site(s) from the previous Season.
If your team is using the Non-School Day Only Schedule Type, after creating the new Season, a Non-School Day Only placeholder site will be created automatically. This placeholder Site will need to be modified prior to online registration. See below for more information regarding Non-School Day setup.
Things to Consider:
⚠️ In the Information section (yellow box), there are two Budget Code fields. If using unique budget codes for each Site’s Registration Fees, ensure both fields are populated correctly.
⚠️ You must set up Access Keys if you are using the Child Care Attendance app. You can set the same ones you have used in the past, but they do need to be set up for the new Season's Sites. To do this, from the Sites List View, select your Site, select the Show Site button to open the Site Show Page. On the left side of the screen, select Add Access Key, type the desired key and select Save.
✔️ The Online Instruction Text at the Site level is displayed at the top of the screen when the registering adult is selecting their student's schedule. Consider including information that would be helpful in selecting the correct schedule.
✔️ Confirmation Notes are included in the automated email the Account Owner receives when their student's Contract is accepted by staff. It can be helpful to include program details and/or reminders that are important for the Account Owner to review (Example: Schedule change or withdrawal policies, late fees, helpful phone numbers, etc). NOTE: If the information included in the Confirmation Notes will be the same for all Sites, consider adding to the Confirmation Notes field at the Season level.
- Create a List View to audit your Site settings. Include the data columns listed below; sort columns as needed by selecting column headers and click-hold-dragging columns to change the order in which they appear.
- Access Key (if using the Child Care Attendance app)
- Administrative Contact
- Agreements
- Budget Code
- Contract Question Templates
- Name
- Online
- Online Registration End Date
- Online Registration Start Date
- Program
- Security Codes (if using the Child Care Attendance app)
- Season
- Create a List View to audit your Site Section(s) settings. Include the data columns listed below; sort columns as needed by selecting column headers and click-hold-dragging columns to change the order in which they appear.
- Earliest Start Time
- End Date
- Exclusion Dates (after review, column can be removed for a more condensed List View)
- Label
- Latest End Time
- Max Size
- Program
- Rates (See section below for information on setting up new Season’s Rates)
- Start Date
- Season
- Child Care Site: Name
- Review individual Sites for Location, sign in/out settings, Registration Start Time, Confirmation Notes, Online Instruction Text, and Site-level Contact Information.
New Rates have to be set up for each Season - even if the tuition amount to be charged has not changed from the previous Season. The new Rates for regular care and for Non-School Days (if offered) have to also be associated with the correct Site Sections or Non-School Day Site Sections.
You can Add Rates or Copy Rates. Copying Rates will retain the Rate names from the previous Season. Copied Rates can still be modified if the actual amount to be charged is different than the previous Season (tuition increases/decreases). Review the Creating Rates article for additional information.
Things to Consider:
⚠️ If a new Season’s Rates are not created, online registration will not be available.
- Once Rates have been created and attached to the new Site Sections, return to your Site Section List View (see above) to audit the Rates column.
The Welcome Page is your website home page consumers see when they first access your Eleyo site. It is important that information displayed on your Welcome Page is up-to-date and that hyperlinks to other websites and/or registration areas are working properly. Our Specialists will review links and mobile optimization as part of your New Season Review. Review the Editing the Eleyo Welcome Page article for additional information.
- Review any hyperlinks on the Welcome Page.
- Review text specific to the new Season and any general registration information.
From the Non-School Days Sites List View, you can either create a new Non-School Day Site by selecting Add Site or you can select an existing Non-School Day Site and select Copy Site, updating the information for the upcoming Season as needed. It is recommended to copy your existing Site(s) from the previous Season. If you need instruction before initiating Non-School Days for the first time, please contact Support or review the Creating Non-School Day Sites article for additional information.
- Create a List View to audit your Non-School Day Site settings. Include the data columns listed below; sort columns as needed by selecting column headers and click-hold-dragging columns to change the order in which they appear.
- Access Key (if using the Child Care Attendance app)
- Agreements
- Budget Code
- Enrollment Question Templates
- Locations
- Name
- Online
- Online Registration End Date
- Online Registration Start Date
- Program
- Rates (See section above for information on setting up new Season’s Rates)
- Security Codes (if using the Child Care Attendance app)
- Season
- Review individual Sites for Registration Start Time and Confirmation Notes.
- Review Online Non-School Day Instruction Text (Child Care > Seasons).
Once setup has been attempted or completed, submit a New Season Review Request and choose Option C. Please submit your request for this option at least 7 days in advance of your desired date to open registration to the public. You will be contacted by an Eleyo Implementation Specialist or your assigned Customer Success Manager who will review your setup.