Adding new and managing existing payment methods with Eleyo is fast, easy, and secure!
To add a new payment method:
1. Navigate to your program's Eleyo site and click Sign In.
Your Dashboard is displayed.
2. Scroll down to the footer of the page and click Saved Payment Methods. If using a mobile device, use the Menu on the left with the compass icon.
The Saved Payment Methods screen is displayed.
3. Click Add Saved Payment Method.
The Add New Payment Method screen is displayed.
4. Select your desired payment type.
5. Complete all required fields.
All fields marked with an asterisk are required.
6. Optionally, if you have enrolled for enrichment courses or child care, you can select to use this payment method for automatic payments/autopay.
7. Click Save New Payment Method.
The payment method is saved to your account.
Once you have saved a payment method, you can use the Saved Payment Methods screen to modify or remove your payment methods.
Clicking Remove will prompt you to confirm that you would like to remove the payment method.
Clicking Modify will allow you to modify which courses or child care programs are billed to that payment method for automatic payments.
Note: If you need to update credit card information or bank routing details, you need to remove the current payment method and enter the information as a new payment method.
Select here to learn more about updating autopay for Child Care.