If you have paid for child care or preschool in the past calendar year, Eleyo provides a Tax Statement report for each program you have enrolled in and made payments for. These statements can be downloaded from your account Dashboard and will become available after January 1st of each year.
Note: The available tax statement report include any payments for child care services. If you have enrolled in enrichment Courses or ECFE, you will need to print the receipts. Viewing Your Account History including Receipts.
Also, this document is for your information and/or record keeping only and is not intended to be relied upon for any other purpose. If using this document for state or federal tax purposes, please consult a licensed tax professional.
To download your child care tax statement online:
1. Navigate to your program's Eleyo site and click Sign In.
The Sign In page is displayed.
2. Sign into your account.
Your main Dashboard is displayed.
3. Under "Your Accounts" select the desired Child Care Account (you will see your child care account number at the top). If you're not seeing your child care account number, please be sure to select it under Your Accounts to ensure you are on the correct account screen.
4. Under "Account Management", select Download Tax Information.
The Tax Statements screen is displayed.
5. Select the statement of the year you would like to access.
The PDF report is downloaded to your computer or device. If there were multiple payers, the report will contain multiple pages, separated by payer. Please be sure to view all pages of the PDF.
Note: If you have multiple child care accounts, you must complete the steps above for each account.
Receipts and invoices can be downloaded from the Your History section online. Receipts are only visible to the person that made the specific payment (not by all account owners). If you have any questions on your tax statement, please contact your district or organization staff directly for assistance.