Preview Mode allows On-Site Staff and Administrators to preview sites before they start, including being able to preview the site on days during which no classes are scheduled. If you are a family member looking to view your student's schedule, pay your invoice or manage your account, please visit your district's Eleyo website.
To utilize the preview mode the following requirements needs to be met:
- The site needs to be scheduled within the next 30-days to be able to preview the site
- The site is not scheduled that day
- The devices is online and able to communicate with Eleyo
- The Access Key must be set up on the Admin side of the system. Each Site must use a unique Access Key. For security purposes, the Access Key should be treated like any other passwords (as the Child Care Attendance app can contain sensitive data). To add an Access Key, on the Admin side, navigate to the desired site then select the text Add Access Key on the left. Enter the desired key (any combination of numbers and/or letters - note it is case sensitive) then select Save. If you do not have the Access Key, please contact a supervisor or Super Admin on your staff to verify the Access Key for your Site.
Complete the Task: Launching Preview Mode
- Select the Child Care Attendance app (with the green check mark icon).
- Enter On-Site Access Key.
- Select desired site from Upcoming Site for Preview Mode section of the site selection screen.
- Select Launch Preview Mode
- Once in Preview mode users will notice a blue bar at the bottom of the screen indicating they are in preview mode.
Once logged in using Preview mode, staff will be able to navigate through the app as if the site were active. This includes the following items
- Signing children in and out using the various different sign in options (Note: No data created in Preview mode is transmitted to the Admin side of the system).
- Marking children absent
- Assigning Locations to one or more children.
- Viewing a child's show pages
- Viewing a child's calendar
- Adding status updates for a child
- Setting Message of the Day
- Modifying available sections.