Public Site
When you view an Enrichment or ECFE Course on the Public site and select the Share arrow icon, there is a QR code and a short link. Courses must be Stage 5. The QR codes that are available do not have any tracking associated with them.
At this time, Eleyo does not have a QR Code generator for other Public pages like Enrichment/ECFE Catalogs or Categories, Child Care Programs or Sites. In most cases, districts provide a link to their Welcome Page or use the other Online URLs available using the Online URL column on the Admin side.
The Welcome page is highly customizable and can display link to specific Program's registration or other details for easy access. Editing the Eleyo Welcome Page
Staff can also use an external source to generate QR codes for any public pages. While the team doesn't not have any specific recommendations on which one to use, if staff are using Chrome as the browser, it does have that feature. If you select the URL in the address bar, there's an icon on the right that allows you to create a QR code of that URL. If any Chrome or otherwise generated QR codes are not working as expected, they would need to troubleshoot that through their IT/technology team.
Admin Site
The Connect button creates a short link ( and creates a QR code that can be share with other staff that have access to the Admin side of the system.