Full or partial payments may be modified directly within Eleyo for a number of reasons. For example, full or partial payments may be modified to move from one Child Care Account to another, one Program to another, one enrollment to another and for several other reasons.
When modifying a payment, the current transaction details, including current distribution of the payment are automatically displayed. Once modified, the total dollar amount must equal the original payment amount. This might include removing the existing transaction details or editing the amount of the existing transaction details. The modified payment will have a History tab that reflects it has been updated. Staff notes can be added to the payment show page and are helpful to explain the reason for the update to that payment. Below are examples in more detail.
Note: If any refunds have been issued for the particular payment, there is not an option for staff to modify that payment. Please contact Support for further assistance.
Modifying within Child Care
A payment or portion of a payment received should be applied toward another Child Care Account or another Program within the same Child Care Account.
When modifying a payment, Admin users can allocate which Child Care Account and Program the payment is applied. Note: It is not possible to allocate payments to a specific invoice(s).
- Browse to the payment show page or select the payment from a list view and select Modify Payment.
- Complete the Editing Payment form.
- The General portion of the form will indicate the original payment information. Depending upon the transaction method, the ability to edit details here may be limited. (i.e., only the payer name may be updated here when the original payment method is an electronic payment such as credit/debit card or ACH).
- The Transactions Details portion of the form will allow for modifying other aspects of the payment including where the payment should now be applied. Note: The total amount of all transactions details must equal the amount of the original payment.
- Modifying a payment can be used to either add or remove a Deferred Date (as needed) without making any other changes.
- If the original transaction detail was related to a Prepayment (deposit) and the deferred date was adjusted, use the red Remove to delete the placeholder prepayment detail (at the bottom of the form).
- Use the red Remove icon (-) or the Add Transaction Detail button to add or remove details when modifying a payment.
- If moving a payment from one account to another, remove the current detail then use the Add Transaction Detail to change the Detail Type to Child Care Account and search for the correct child care account to receive the funds. Update the amount. If the payment should be deferred to be reflected when that date is invoiced, enter the correct Deferred Date (optional). When all updates have been made, select Save.
- If changing the full amount of a payment from one Program to another within the same account, remove the current detail then use the Add Transaction Detail to change the Detail Type to Child Care Account. Search for the correct child care account to receive the funds. Select the correct Program and update the amount for the program that will receive the funds. If the payment should be deferred to be reflected when that date is invoiced, enter the correct Deferred Date (optional). When all updates have been made, select Save.
- If splitting a payment between two Programs within the same account, update the amount being allocated under the current detail then use the Add Transaction Detail to change the Detail Type to Child Care Account. Search for the correct child care account to receive the funds. Select the correct Program and update the amount to reflect the remaining funds. If the payment should be deferred to be reflected when that date is invoiced, enter the correct Deferred Date (optional). When all updates have been made, select Save. and select Save.
Important Note: When moving a full or partial payment from one Program or Module to another, the system Deposit reports will show the state of the transaction, including the budget code, on the date it was originally deposited. Transactions will show the appended changes on payment show pages and list views, but the financial Deposit reports are not changed.
Modifying Payments for Course Enrollments
When adding a Transaction Detail, the Type is Enrollment. You can then search for the enrolled person's name and select the one that shows a Balance Owed in the text of the details.
Modifying Payments for Facilities
When adding a Transaction Detail, the Type is Facility Account. You can then search for the account number or by the person/organization name. There is not a way to allocate the payment to a specific permit number if it was not part of the original transaction.
Finance Ledger Detail Report for a modified payment (Example)
The Finance Ledger Details report will show the original budget code break down when a payment is deposited. If all or part of the payment has been modified, the Finance Ledger Detail report will back the payment out of the original budget code and create a ledger entry for the updated budget code breakdown of the payment. Below are example screenshots showing an original ledger entry that includes a payment of $50 for a payment made on Child Care Account 1002 budget code 1234 5678 90 (highlighted in blue below).