Child Care Adjustments
To ensure better auditing of accounts receivable, the ability to apply credit adjustments to already existing invoices has been removed. The system now handles credit adjustments in a way that also makes the previous functionality obsolete. Credit adjustments are now applied with the following functionality:
- If the adjustment was on the account activity tab and is being posted by creating an invoice;
- The system will automatically apply the credit to any previous invoices that owe money in the same budget code. If there is a credit left over then the system will apply it to the invoice that posted it that owes money in the same budget code. If there is a credit left over then the system will save the credit to be applied to the next invoice that is created that owes money in the same budget code.
- If the adjustment is added directly to the invoice before saving the invoice while in the preview screen when creating an invoice on a single account;
- The system will automatically apply the credit to the current invoice charges for the same budget code. If there is some credit left over it will apply it back to past invoices with charges in the same budget code that have not been paid by a payment. If there is credit remaining then it will apply to future invoice charges in that same budget code.
This update is not applied retroactively to any already invoiced credit adjustments.
The Finance tab on the child care account has been updated to reflect these changes. Forward will now read as Carryover as credit adjustments can be applied both backward and forward.
- Credit Adjustments entered on the account without a deferred date will show in Discounts & Adjustments. Same with Fee Adjustments.
- Credit Adjustments entered on the account and deferred to a date that falls within the date range of the invoice that posts, will be displayed under Previous Activity. Same with Fee adjustments.
- Credit Adjustments entered on the invoice (during the review screen), will be displayed under Discounts & Adjustments. Same with Fee adjustments.
Child Care Invoices
- Invoices support soft deleting
- When an invoice is removed, choosing to display the deleted column in the invoices list view will include those soft deleted invoices
- Removed the ability to add adjustments to invoices after creation
- Invoice updated to show details like other Administrative show pages in the system
- Updated added Administrative notes
- Added Payoff Details on the Admin Invoice show page
- Payments are applied to the invoice in the previous billing period of the invoice detail as they always attempt to adjust the oldest amount owed for the budget code they were issued in.
- Adjustments entered on the account without a deferred date will show in Discounts & Adjustments.
- Adjustments entered on the account and deferred to a date that falls within the date range of the invoice that posts, will be displayed under Previous Activity.
- Adjustments entered on the invoice (during the review screen), will be displayed under Discounts & Adjustments.
Child Care Registration Fees and Payments
- Registration Fees will be entered into the ledger at creation
- Registration fees may be created when a contract is approved
- Registration fees may be created by using the Registration button on an Admin account show page
- Registration Deposits in child care have been renamed Prepayments
- When created, the system will post a debit in the ledger for the amount of the prepayment. When an invoice is generated that will post the payment, the prepayment ledger entry is replaced with the invoice’s ledger entry.