There are five possible ribbons or banners for Courses that will appear on the Public site. These are meant to highlight courses based on certain criteria that is hard coded in the system. In addition, there are other messages or alerts to the registration status.
Waitlist will automatically appear as a ribbon on any course that has all sections full with the waitlist option enabled and that is active for enrollment.
Full will automatically appear as a ribbon on any course that has all sections full with no waitlist option enabled.
Starting Soon will automatically appear as a ribbon on any course that currently has sections open for registration and has additional sections starting within five days.
New will automatically appear as a ribbon on any course that has a course section that has just come online. The ribbon stays visible for three days from the online registration start date.
Popular will automatically appear as a ribbon on any course that is currently experiencing the highest number of enrollments (based on the average of popularity of all of the sections). The algorithm this ribbon uses takes into account factors like how close timewise the enrollments are occurring, how full the course is and how long the course has been open for online registration along with other factors. These same parameters are what are used to display the Popular Courses on the Admin side. To get a ribbon on a course it must be in the top 10 most popular courses and not have other ribbons like Waitlist, Full, or Starting Soon ribbons.
The ribbons appear automatically. There is not any way to customize, change or disable them. Additionally, these ribbons only appear for Enrichment Courses in the Courses module (not child care or other modules).
Registration Status
If a course section has future dates, but the online registration period has ended, the course is no longer searchable online. Staff can use the Online Marketing URLs to promote the course. Using that would show the message Closed and Online registration is over. In addition, enrolled people can still view the details under the Your Enrollments on their Dashboard.
Registration Start Time
Courses will show as available online on the day and time the online registration is set to open. If they are set to open after midnight (i.e. 6AM, 8AM, 9AM), the time the registration is set to start later that day will be displayed.
Page Not Found Message Online
If a course section has no specific dates (i.e. is a virtual class that people can take anytime or the dates are designated as TBD) or the dates have passed plus the online registration period has ended, the course will not show online and any links to it will display a Page Not Found message. There is not a way to link to a preview of the class before registration opens or after the course section registration for it has ended.