The Payment Counts report is sent in a billing receipt email from around the 7th of each month. This is separate from the Monthly Payments Recap email sent at approximately the same time. This report is a breakdown of the number of payments created in the software by budget code. If a payment was divided between budget codes (i.e. a portion paid for an Enrichment Course Enrollment and the remaining amount paid for Child Care), the number will include a decimal based on the amount applied to that budget code.
Use the Payment Counts report to reconcile payment counts by budget code.
- Open the Payment Counts report or go to Reports in Eleyo Admin and download the report as a CVS file.
- Copy the payment totals by budget code from the Payment Counts report.
- Open the Eleyo Budget Code Calculator (Software Fees) attached to this article.
- Paste the payment totals by budget code.
- Enter the "Total Fees Charged (for month)" from the email in row six to populate the Allocated Fees column.
Select this link for bank reconciliation of electronic transaction deposits