The Questions feature within the software has been updated to allow Administrators the ability to set the type of questions being asked during the registration process. Dependng on the question type used, it can also allows the Administrator to restrict what type of answer is given. Note: When adding questions to your Course Section, be sure to scroll to the very bottom and select the Save button to ensure that any changes will be saved.
Below are the types of questions that can be included in an Enrichment or ECFE Course Section with examples of how the question and answer options appear on the Public side:
Checkbox - Multiple Options : Administrator indicates what answers can be given. Public User can select more than one option as their answer.
Radio - Single Option : Administrator indicates what answers can be given. Public User can select only one option for their answer.
Evaluation - Rating : Used with Surveys. Populated answers are pre-populated and may be edited, removed or added.
Select (Drop-down) - Single Selection: Administrator indicates what answers can be given. Public User can select only one option from the drop-down list.
Select (Drop-down) - Multiple Selections: Administrator indicates what answers can be given. Using the Select Multiple button, Public User is provided a list of answers and can select more than one option from the list.
Money : Administrator enters in the question. Public User enters their answer as a dollar amount.
Open Ended - One Line : Administrator enters the question. Public User can enter anything within a single line of text.
Open Ended - Multi-Line : Administrator enters the question. Public User can enter anything over several lines of text (paragraph).
Number : Administrator enters the question. Public User must enter a number only for their answer.
Yes or No : Administrator enters the question. Public User must choose either Yes or No as their answer.
Information (no answer) : Administrator enters the information into the WYSIWYG Editor (open ended content) for display to the Public as shown in the white section (i.e. Emergency Contracts example below)
When setting up Course Sections, ECFE Course Sections and Sites under the Child Care module, use the Questions area to set up as many questions as needed. If you are adding Check box, Radio or Select type of questions, do not forget to add the possible answers.
NOTE: When using the Questions feature, questions must be unique. Do not use the same question more than once in a Course Section. For example, the Answer Value and Answer Tex of 'Email address' can be used once. If you need to request multiple email addresses, you will want to instead, use 'Contact #1 Email' and 'Contact #2 Email' .
If you need to change the order of the questions, you can drop and drag them until they are in the desired order. However, you cannot drop and drag options or choices within one specific question.
At any time, you can change the question Type without losing information that has been created for that question (i.e. if you decide you need a larger field to have the person enter information into, you can change the Type from a Single Line to Multi Line without losing the heading already typed in for that question).