Effective October 2013, a field was made available in the User record on the Administrative side where the Minnesota Automated Reporting Student System (MARSS) number can be entered for all district-enrolled children. The field is labeled State Issued Student ID. Once a MARSS number has been assigned for a child in the Student Information System (SIS) used by your district, staff can modify the record to enter that data. MARSS numbers are 13 characters. This is a field that is only available for staff to see and/or report on. It is not visible to parents on the Public side. If your district uses a Student Information System (SIS) or parent portal, that data should be available for parents there.
In addition, the Eleyo system has the ability to import SIS data including MARSS numbers. If a sync has been established, a sync icon is displayed on the student's profile show page. When the profile is modified, the MARSS number field is intentionally greyed out and not able to be changed to ensure the data is synchronized correctly. Please contact Support for additional information on that sync process.
State Issued Student ID field
SIS Sync icon