If a list of any adjustments manually added to Child Care Accounts is needed for auditing purposes, that information can be accessed using the Adjustments menu.
- Point to Child Care.
- Select Adjustments.
- Select the Column Selector tool (with the 2 small white boxes icon).
- Select the Saved check box then select Done.
- To narrow the list to a specific Program's Season, select the Season selector tool, select the desired season then select Done.
- To narrow the list using a different filter like a specific Budget Code or another field, select the Advanced Search tool, change the word Choose on the left to reflect the desired filter from the drop-down list (i.e. Budget Code is...)
- To sort ascending or descending by column, select on the header once (ascending) or twice (descending). For example, to sort by Child Care Account, if the account number (Ident) is not in the list view, use the Column Selector tool to add the check box for the on Ident then select Done. When the column is displayed in the list view, select on the header Child Care Account Ident to sort in ascending or descending number order.