The system allows a single Invoice to be created for a Child Care Account using the following steps:
- Select Child Care.
- Select Accounts.
- Search for and select the Account to create an Invoice.
- Select Show Account.
- Select Create Invoice.
- Complete the Create Invoice Form.
- If you want the invoice to automatically be sent to any owners on the Child Care Account who have a valid email in the system, change the option for Send Paperless to Yes. Note: The default for this option is No so you can view the invoice before it gets emailed or printed. There are options described below to email or print the invoice once you have reviewed the invoice to ensure it is correct so it is recommended to send it manually once the invoice has been generated.
- If you want to include any reminders on the invoice, enter them in the Reminder field.
- Select Generate Invoice. This will display a preview of the invoice.
- If the preview is accurate, select Create.
To email or print a copy of the invoice, select either Email Invoice or Print Invoice on the right.