Individual questions to gather data from a consumer may be attached to Child Care Sites, to enrichment or ECFE Course Sections, and/or to Facility Rooms and Buildings. Questions may also be created as a Template then the template can be assigned to any of these same locations. An advantage of using a Question Template is that any possible changes that may need to be made would only have to be completed once. Any location that template was used will automatically update to reflect those changes (i.e. to fix a typo, update any details in the questions, etc).
If using multiple Question Templates for the same registration process, you might use the Information No Answer question type to prompt the people completing them for what that 'section' of question pertains to (i.e. The next set of questions are related to your child's temperament and will take about 5 minutes to complete).
If you allow staff to view the responses to questions using the Child Care Attendance app, you may want to ensure the specific questions staff needs are listed first/at the top of the template (so they don't have to scroll as much to see the details they need on the app).
Question Types
There are a variety of question types in the system to cover the different types of information your program needs to obtain. The same question types are also used when creating Surveys/Evaluations in the system.
When adding certain question type, there are fields for Report Value and Display Text. Report Value essentially refers to what staff will see when the data is exported. The Display Text is what the consumer sees. When you enter the Report Value, the system automatically populates the same text in the Display Text to speed the process of creating the question. The Display Text can be changed to make it more clear to the consumer.
Required Questions
Questions can be set as required or not required by selecting the desired radio button for that specific question. Required questions are indicated online with a yellow asterisk. If a required question is not answered when enrolling online, a red highlight will indicate to the consumer that a required question was missed.
There is an Autofill feature that can be enabled or disabled for each question. Using Autofill allows the system to attempt to populate the consumer's most recent answers to identical questions that had been previously asked. Responses can always be changed for a question that was automatically populated.
When enrollment questions/question templates are used, that data can then be pulled into different reports. For example, in Courses, there is the column of Enrollment Answers that can be included in the list view of Enrollments. The responses are reflected in one cell when viewed in Eleyo, but when the data is pulled into Excel using the List Data Export report, each question and response will be reflected as an individual column. In addition, questions can be included as a data point on other reports like the Child Care or Course Roster.
Note: there is not an automatic save when building questions or question templates. Staff are encouraged to save often while building questions or question templates for online registration.
This is a review of the different Question Types:
- Choice
- Multiple Selection (user may select a check box for all responses that apply)
- Single Selection (user may select only one check box response)
- Single Selection with Conditional Content (user may select only one response from the initial choices presented then may be prompted to answer additional questions based on the initial answer given - see detailed set up instructions and examples for using the Conditional question type at the bottom of this article)
- Entry
- Date (user may only enter a date in the format MM/DD/YYYY or select using the calendar icon)
- Date-Time (user is presented with two fields - in the first, they may only enter a date in the format MM/DD/YYYY or select using the calendar icon and in the second, they may only enter time in the format HH:MM AM or PM)
- Money (user may only enter a numeric dollar amount)
- Number (user may only enter a number with no other characters)
- Time (user may only enter time in the format HH:MM AM or PM)
- Yes or No (user may select a radio button to indicate either Yes or No)
- Open ended
- Single Line (a text field of one line is presented for a typed response - recommended when shorter responses are required)
- Multiple Lines (a larger text box is presented for a typed response - recommended when longer responses are required)
- Multiple Inputs (user is presented with the number of fields that corresponds with the number of inputs indicated - example: For the question 'Please list last three immunization dates for Flu/ Influenza' three fields are displayed for a typed response).
- Other
- Evaluation Rating (used most often for Surveys - pre-populated with a scale with 5 choices that can be expanded or shortened - example: For the question 'On a scale of 1-5, how clean did you find the facility?, one radio button selection is made from the choices presented)
- Information Only (no answer) (a text box uses a WYSIWYG Editor to create and display a header of information - this question type must always be followed by at least one question of any other type - example: 'The next series of questions are regarding class preferences for Preschool. These are all required questions.' is displayed followed by any additional questions).
Single Selection with Conditional Content Question Type
This question type allows programs to present a sequence of questions based on the response given to the initial question and the subsequent follow-up questions.
In the screenshot below, the set up from the Admin side requires the person enrolling to answer the first question using a Yes or No response. The Add Possible Answer button is selected which displays the Report Value field to create the response text of Yes and No. The Add Conditional Questions and the Add Question buttons are then used to create the sequence of follow up questions. Any question type can be used for these new conditional questions. The corresponding fields or options for the selected question type are displayed for each one being added. In the example below, if the person enrolling answers Yes, two Single Line questions are used to gather the additional information.
Online, when the registering user answers Yes to the initial Conditional question, the system will display the two single line fields to type in the necessary details.
Online, when the registering user answers No to the initial Conditional question, the system allows the person enrolling to move on to the next question.