There are several places images are used within the Eleyo system including:
- Welcome pages
- Course Categories
- Course Descriptions
- Logos
The system has stock images that are available for marketing purposes using the Marketing Tags field. These images will display with the correct resolution and size for each possible device being used. Additionally, these images display the correct copyrights and other credits. This allows you to include images without needing to add them within the Description. The Marketing Tags function then uses built-in online algorithms when consumers use the online search.
When you modify an existing course or creating a new one, you can add any combination of words followed by a comma to create the Marketing Tags. Suggested pictures will be displayed below that field. You can check the ones you wish to include then Save.
If there are specific images you need to include, you can import those from an outside source. This article has more details on that process:
System Pictures
Course Category
When uploading images for a Course Category, a 4:3 aspect ratio displays best (i.e., 1024x768 pixels or 2048x1563 pixels). If you are encountering any issues with a picture not being displayed properly, please contact Support via email and provide a copy of the picture file (jpg, png, etc) along with a description of the issue (too large, too small, etc).
Course Description
When uploading images for Course Descriptions, use Drag and Drop or Choose File button. Use the crop and resize window to center on area of the uploaded image that looks best in each preview example.
The top Online Preview represents how a picture would be displayed in the Course name field. The Course name field appears along with the other details for that course including the buttons to start the enrollment process.
The middle Online Preview is how the picture would be displayed when using the Grid layout for courses. It also reflects how it will look for other locations where the tile or grid view of the course is displayed (i.e. in search results, when the Learn more button for a category is selected, Featured courses, etc).
The last Online Preview is how the picture would be displayed when using the List layout for courses is used.
Marketing Tags and Images
When Marketing Tags are used as part of the Course setup, possible images available that will be displayed online. These images are mainly from the Flikr library (shown with a watermark of a red and blue dot). The Flikr images are pulled with a designation of being safe and were published with specific licenses which often does require Eleyo to add attribution information plus a link to the license itself; both are added just under the Share icon to the right.
When uploading images for logos (mobile, favicon, etc.), please use a large logo with a transparent background. The format can be a standard one (jpg, jpeg, gif). Different parts of the system display them at different sizes and different devices will display images at 1x, 1.5x, 2x, and even 3x resolution.
Logos can be assigned to individual Child Care Programs (Child Care > Programs). In addition, a logo can be added for the main navigation area on the Public side, for a mobile platform and for the favicon (displayed on the tab in a web browser). You can use the same image for all 3 or you can have different logos (the size will attempt adjust automatically). A favicon should be around 16x16 pixels max.
Use these steps to update those items:
- Point to System.
- Select System Preferences.
- Select General on the left.
- For the main logo: select the Browse for Image button for the Logo field. Select the desired logo then select Open.
- For the mobile logo: select the Browse for Image button for the Mobile Logo field. Select the desired logo then select Open.
- For the favicon: select the Browse for Image button for the Favicon field. Select the desired logo then select Open.
- When all updates have been made, select Save.