Electronic transactions that need to be stopped may be voided by an Admin with appropriate permissions as long as the Void button is displayed. Staff can void a payment or a refund transaction made via ACH or credit card. Generally, this requires the transaction to be voided on the same business day it was entered. If you need assistance from Support on voiding a transaction, please contact the team as quickly as possible by phone to ensure adequate time to assist.
Voiding a transaction will stop it before it is sent to the bank to be settled, potentially eliminating the need to issue a refund. This can save your team money (as you are charged fees for all electronic sales) and is better for the customer (as you aren't debiting the funds only to turn around and refund/ return them).
Below are reasons voiding a transaction may be useful.
- Payer was mistakenly charged multiple times for the same fee (i.e., registration fee)
- An incorrect amount was entered for a payment
- An incorrect amount was refunded (i.e. full rather than partial refund)
- Admin mistakenly selected the wrong saved payment method when entering a transaction
Depending on the bank, a voided transaction can show as pending for the consumer (usually for 24 hours or less) even when it has been voided from the Eleyo system. It is up to the bank to remove that pending status. On the consumer's bank information, they will not see a settled transaction (debit) then a refund (credit). They will see the transaction as temporarily pending then that pending status will go away. If there are questions about how quickly that process will take, it is best to have the consumer call the number on the back of their card (so they are speaking directly with the issuer and not a local branch).
Use the following steps to Void a Payment:
- Select Finance> Transactions then search for and select the one to be voided and select Show or locate the transaction in the enrollment or Child Care account show page
- Select the magnifying glass to view the show page.
- If the transaction is able to be voided and/or you have Admin permissions to void, the Void button is displayed on the right side of the screen. Select Void and confirm.
- Notes are optional. Customer Note will be included in the emailed void notice the payer receives.
Once the transaction has been voided, the show page will reflect that it was voided. When you select Show, it will display which Admin User completed the void. If the payer had an email address on file, an email will automatically be sent that the transaction was voided.
There are several ways you can locate a previously voided transaction:
- You can locate a voided transaction under the payer's show page (Contacts > People).
- If it was for an enrollment, it will show as a line item on that show page (Courses > Enrollments).
- You can filter a list of payments (Finance > Transaction) using the Advanced Search where the Transaction Description matches Voided with an additional filter for Deleted equals the check mark (true).