The standard Child Care Accounts list view defaults to reflect the total account balance across all Programs each child care account has contracts for. You can change that list view to display specific balance data for one or more Programs. When a new column is added, the list view will update to display that data which can then be generated as an Excel file using the List Data Export report.
The Child Care Accounts Aging report can also be helpful to see the balance broken down by the age of the debt in 30 day segments (i.e what was due for 0-30 days, 30-60 days, etc).
Use the following steps to add a specific Program Balance column to the list view of Accounts:
- Point to Child Care
- Select Accounts
- Select the Column tool (in the top right with the two small white boxes).
- Select the check box for the desired Program's balance column (i.e. Balance for Before & After Program)
- Select Done.
To create the List Data Export report, with the desired list view visible on the screen, use these steps:
- Select Reports in the top left (near your name)
- Select List Data Export report from the choices in the left column
- Select Run Selected Reports
- Select Continue.
- When the Download Finished Report changes to green, select it to open the Excel file.
To create the Child Care Accounts Aging report, with the desired list view visible on the screen, use these steps:
- Select Reports in the top left (near your name)
- Select Child Care Accounts Aging Report from the choices in the middle column.
- Select Run Selected Reports
- Ensure the desired Program is selected.
- Select Continue.
- When the Download Finished Report changes to green, select it to open the PDF document.