Once created, an ECFE Sibling Care Site can be associated with one or more ECFE Course Sections using the Add Sibling Care Site button. You do not have to create separate sites for the individual Course Sections unless you need to limit the number of User/Child Types for specific courses. For example, if the Sibling Care Site can accommodate 4 students for 2 classes that occur on the same day, date and time, you would set the limitation as 2 (2 students x 2 course sections = total of 4 in sibling care). If you can accommodate 6 students for 3 classes, the limitation would still be 2.
Additionally, in order to create a Sibling Care Site, you must have a room indicated for that care to take place. There is not a way to indicate that you are booking an entire building or location for Sibling Care. If the location does not currently have a room, staff with Admin access to the Facility portion of the system would need to create that first.
Once open for registration, the sibling care enrollments are processed immediately just like the ECFE course enrollments (neither goes into a pending status for staff approval). If you have spots for the class but sibling care is full, parents will see the message below for the Sibling Care area online. They will still be able to register a student for the ECFE class provided there is room.
To create an ECFE Sibling Care Site, follow the steps below:
- Point to ECFE.
- Select Sibling Care Sites.
- Select Add Site.
- Complete the New Sibling Care Site form. If your team needs to limit the number of specific Child/User Types in sibling care, the Add Limitation button in the purple Staffing section.
- Select Create.
Example New ECFE Sibling Care Site