Mass invoices allow staff to create an invoice for all accounts with existing charges (tuition, late pickup or late payment fees, etc) in one process.
Tip 💡 It can be useful to create a final mass invoice at the end of a Season for a particular Program. Referred to as a 'Catch-Up' invoice, it will ensure any new charges and activity not previously invoiced are captured.
Important Notes: When a mass invoice is in the process of being created, it is not recommended to attempt to stop the mass invoice. It is also not recommended to change rates when the mass invoice is running. Please contact Support if you have questions on a mass invoice that is in progress.
To create a Mass Invoice for a Child Care Program, follow the steps below:
- Point to Child Care.
- Select Mass Invoices.
- Select Create Mass Invoice.
- Complete the Mass Invoicing form. If you are excluding any tagged accounts (County Assistance, scholarship, etc), be sure to verify the tags in the field Don't Run Invoices for Accounts that are Tagged. Also be sure to update the Reminder as it automatically populates with information reflected from the most recent Mass Invoice that was generated. The reminder can include a hyperlink if needed. When a hyperlink is added, it will not appear active but when the invoice is access, it will be. If it is the final mass invoice for a Season, it can be helpful to include current contact information for how and where to direct any invoice questions (in case staff levels change during breaks, between school sessions or over the summer).
- Select Preview Invoices. Review the details on the invoice including the details in the Reminder field and Invoice Due Date. If the mass invoice involves a more complex billing cycle, it can take additional time for the preview to be displayed. If you see a Preview Warning message, staff can proceed with the mass invoice by selecting the Skip option without viewing the preview invoices.
- Select Create Invoices.
- Select View Results from the green dialog box to see the details about this specific Mass Invoice along with the list of invoices that were created.
There is not a way to automatically create or schedule to send emails of invoices at a later date. You could create the Mass Invoice batch and opt to not email paperless accounts at that time, then a staff member could manually select to email those invoices later using the Resend Paperless button. Since the invoices are generated as soon as the mass invoice is completed, anyone signing into their account online would be able to view it. However, they would not be notified by email until the date the invoices are sent.