The Eleyo Course Roster app allows instructors/vendors the access to view rosters and take attendance for Course Sections they are attached. The Eleyo Course Roster app is available in the App Store for use with an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch running iOS 9.0 or higher. Instructors must be given appropriate permission by the district offering the course. The device must be connected to a cellular or wireless network in order to see the course sections and take attendance.
Eleyo Course Roster app icon
When logging into the Course Rosters app, Instructors use the same email address and password credentials they currently use to download Course Section Rosters online from a browser. Use the following steps to confirm you have access:
- Log into the program/district online registration site using a laptop or desktop computer (i.e. navigate to and select Sign In). At the bottom of your Dashboard screen, there will be a section labeled Courses You Teach. You should see a list of the course sections you are attached as the instructor for and a Download Roster button next to each course section. That allows you to download a PDF roster file. If you prefer a roster as an Excel file, use the Export Roster button.
NOTE: If you do not see the section Courses Your Teach and/or you do not see the Download Roster and Export Excel buttons for a particular course section, your district has not set up your access to use this app for rosters or attendance. Please contact your district to verify or request further access.
- After you have confirmed the above, you may proceed with downloading the Course Rosters app. Make sure the device is connected to a cellular or wireless network.
- Search for the Eleyo Course Rosters app (with the green clipboard icon shown above) and Install.
- Log in using the same email and password credentials used to access rosters from the district's Eleyo website.
Below is an example screenshot of a list of course sections an instructor attached may see from an iPhone or iPod Touch. Information may display differently on an iPad screen than it would on an iPhone or iPod Touch.
You can view more details on the Course Rosters app at this article:
Viewing Rosters on the Course Rosters App
TIP: Pull down to refresh list of courses and attendees.
Below is an example screenshot of a list of course sections an instructor attached may see from an iPad.