The following checklist will walk an Administrative user through the steps for setting up a new Child Care or Preschool season's registration in the Child Care Module. It is recommended to review and complete the steps in the order listed below to ensure a smooth set up.
- Review (or create) Question Templates (System > Question Templates)
- Note: If you currently do not use the Question Template feature for enrollment questions, but created individual questions within your Sites, we recommend creating a question template instead. Question templates make editing questions faster for Administrative users. It also allows the use of the same template across sites and any additional modules your programs may utilize in Eleyo.
- Some questions you may have asked (such as Emergency Contacts and Authorized Pick-ups) may not be needed as they are built into the online Child Care registration process. Staff designate the number of emergency contacts parents are required to provide during enrollment (Child Care > Program).
- If the registration questions will be similar to a previous year, but have changed for the upcoming season, it is recommended to copy the current question template. That will create a new one without modifying the one for the current season.
- Any details that you need to be able to print the answers and show a parent/account owner should be created as questions/question templates (not as Agreements). There is not any reporting for Agreements.
- Ensure all Budget Codes exist or have been created new in the system (Finance > Budget Codes)
- Ensure Agreements/terms and conditions (System > Agreements) have been added to the system (optional). If Agreements will be similar to a previous year, but will vary for the upcoming season, it is recommended to copy the current Agreement. That will create a new one without modifying the one for the current season. Important note: If you need to be able to print that a policy has been agreed to, please use a Question Template. There is not any reporting for Agreements.
- Review the Program settings (Child Care > Programs)
- Verify the Long Description is accurate.
- Will you be changing your auto pay requirement or late fees? Note: Any changes made will reflect immediately in the current open Season.
- Verify the Program reflects the Federal Tax ID number to ensure account owners can download their Tax Statement report. The Tax ID can also be set at the Site level (if necessary).
- Review Registration Options (Child Care > Registration Options)
- Has anything changed (Contract Schedule types, Registration fees and/or Prepayments)? If not, do not create a new Registration Option. You can use the existing registration option and skip to Seasons (below).
- If anything has changed, you will want to create a new Registration Option (leaving the existing one to be used for current and/or past contracts).
- If you used Prepayments that were applied for a specific date, ensure those dates are updated to the current year.
- If you use a different Budget Code for each Site's Registration Fees, ensure the option for Use Same Budget Code As Child Care Site is checked. Also see details under the Sites section below.
- Create a new Season (Child Care > Seasons > Add Season).
- The Online Contract Creation Instruction Text appears directly below the Season drop-down online and can help to alert parents of rates or other details before they start the registration process.
- Confirmation Notes appear on the contract approval email (not the request received email which is a default that can not be changed).
- Note: If you have the Registration Option set to not allow Public registration, the Season in the Site checklists will show an icon of a yellow caution triangle. It is recommended that you set the Allow Public Registration to Yes and make sure each Site has the correct future start date for online registration. That will ensure the online registration opens automatically without having to manually change that setting.
- Create a new Site for regular care (Child Care > Sites > Add Site) and if offered, create new Non-School Day care sites (Child Care > Non-School Day Sites). If your team is using the Non-School Day only contract type, a new Non-School Day only site (for parents creating contracts for only non-school days - not for regular care) will be created automatically.
- For Minnesota Districts - there are surveys/questions that can be included for Ed-Fi and Early Education reporting. Please be sure to read the new set up and other details here
- You can use Copy Site for a quick way to create additional sites for the new Season.
- In the yellow Information section, there are 2 budget code fields: Tuition Fee Budget Code is required; Registration Fee Budget Code is optional. If your team uses a separate Budget Code for Registration Fees only, ensure that field is correctly updated to reflect the registration fee code that corresponds with each Site. Note: To ensure the registration fees are allocated to the correct budget code, you must select the check box labeled Use Same Budget Code As Child Care Site for the Budget Code field under Registration Options.
- The Online Instruction Text at the Site level is displayed online above the area when the person doing the enrollment is selecting their student's schedule (i.e. above the check boxes for the days of the week for Consistent contracts or above the calendar for Pick Your Day/Pick Your Week contracts). Adding information at the Site level can be helpful when parents are selecting their schedule for care.
- Confirmation Notes are included in the email the account owner receives when their student's contract is accepted by staff. It can be helpful to include any details you may want them to refer back to (i.e. These are our policies about adding/removing dates, late fees, etc or Here are helpful phone numbers: Attendance/Absences, Questions, etc).
- For Non-School Day Sites, the text in the Name field is reflected in the line item on the invoice. If you need that line item to be more descriptive, be sure to add that in the name field (i.e. name the Non-School Day Site NSD for Non-School Days, Early Release Days or Early Out Days if it is a site that is used for those specified days)
- For both Regular Care Sites and Non-School Day Sites, you must set Access Keys if you are using the Child Care Attendance app. There must be unique Access Keys for the regular care vs the Non-School Day sites. You can set the same ones you have used in the past, but they do need to be set up for the new season's sites. If you use the On-Site Security Codes for the Kiosk tab of the app, be sure to enable that setting for new Sites as well.
- Create new Rates for your sites (Child Care > Rates > Add Rates)
- New Rates have to be set up for each Season (even if the tuition amount charged have not changed from year to year). The new Rates for regular care and for Non-School Days (if offered) have to also be associated with the correct Site Sections or Non-School Day Site Sections. Note: If new rates are not created, online registration will not be available for families.
- You can use Copy Rate for a quick way to create rates from one season to another if they have not changed.
- If there are any links or text on the Welcome page about the new Season or registration in general, those should be reviewed to ensure they are accurate. The Welcome page is the landing page consumers see when they first access your site.
New Season Reviews
You can request for the Eleyo Training Team to review a brand new Season prior to opening registration. After walking through the checklist above, complete a New Season Review Questionnaire 5-7 business days in advance of the desired date to open registration.
If modifications to a Season are needed in less than 48 hours (not including weekends), we recommend contacting Support directly. Please provide as much detail as possible about the anticipated changes that will be needed (Registration Options, Rates, Sections, etc).